Who We Are
Yagana came into being when, in 2014, a group of rural women requested support. Yagana registered as an NGO in Mali in 2015.
We recognize that each nation’s path is unique and that people are experts in their own development. Our approach is also informed by research on effective development models.

Vision Statement
Prosperity and Peace in the Bandiagara Region

Mission Statement
Our mission is to accompany the people of the Bandiagara Region as they create peace and prosperity for themselves.
Yagana helps people turn their dreams into reality and makes the impossible possible.
Yagana operates in a remote area of Mali challenged by drought, food insecurity and a jihadist insurgency. A no-go zone for most aid agency representatives, the region has received limited support from without. Once a popular tourist destination for Malians and foreigners alike, the Bandiagara region is now considered too insecure for tourism. Yagana is a life-line for communities.
Our Approach
Yagana’s uniqueness is characterized by an inclusive approach. All of our projects are built with the players in the field according to the needs expressed.
As a result, the initiatives are embraced from the start, decreasing frustration and increasing the likelihood of success. Nothing is imposed.
Our Initiatives
Meet Our Team
Yagana was founded in 2015 by the women of the Commune of Wadouba in collaboration with Drissa Kanambaye and Lauren Hatvany.